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  • 厂家网商城官网



    www.cjwsc.com - 2022-10-26 - 收藏
  • 辰安科技官网



    www.gsafety.com - 2022-10-26 - 收藏
  • 长亮科技官网



    www.sunline.cn - 2022-10-26 - 收藏
  • 穿衣助手官网



    ichuanyi.com - 2022-10-26 - 收藏
  • 畅享信息官网


    畅享信息 sunsharing 信息共享 业务协同服务平台 部门间信息共享与服务平台 城市基础数据库解决方案 缴费平台 社区服务及管理平台 SOA ESB MOBILE ETL DATA EXCHANGE

    www.sunsharing.com.cn - 2022-10-26 - 收藏
  • 程果水果官网



    www.ytcgsm.com - 2022-10-26 - 收藏
  • 超远信息官网



    cychina.cn - 2022-10-26 - 收藏
  • Agenda. APP官网

    Agenda. APP官网

    Agenda. APP官网,应用描述: Introducing Agenda, the award-winning elegant new take on notes. Agenda is a date-focused note taking app for iOS, iPadOS, and macOS, which helps you plan and document your projects. Agenda gives you a complete picture of past, present and future, driving your projects forward. Whether you\\\'re a business manager noting decisions in a meeting, a teacher planning next week’s lessons, or a blogger brainstorming a post, Agenda is ideal for tracking the evolution of your notes. It\\\'s the only note taking app with a strong emphasis on the passage of time, making it the perfect fit for any project. Use it for personal projects like jotting down recipes you’d like to try, or take on major projects at work, planning your next meeting or checking off your daily tasks. The notes in Agenda are beautifully styled, and include powerful features like images, file attachments, tags, lists, and links. You can even connect your notes to events in your calendar, and add due reminders to your tasks. Locating your notes also couldn\\\'t be easier, with powerful search, a project jump bar, and related notes list. And when you find what you\\\'re looking for, simply go back in the history to where you were. TAKE NOTES. DATE NOTES. Agenda’s unique timeline approach to organizing notes gives your projects momentum. While other apps focus specifically on the past, present, or future, Agenda is the only notes app that keeps track of each in a single timeline. Add notes for what is currently on your agenda, while you prepare other notes for an upcoming meeting. Use older notes as breadcrumbs to remind yourself why you took the actions you did. WHAT\\\'S ON THE AGENDA? You can attach dates to individual notes, and even link them to events in your calendar. But you can also put them “On the Agenda”. Notes that are On the Agenda are given special status. They get added to a special overview in the sidebar so you can find them in a flash. THE \\\'MEANING FULL\\\' TEXT EDITOR Agenda is a styled-text editor. Styled text is as easy to edit as plain text, but leads to visually stunning documents without breaking a sweat. Styles include headings, lists, indented blocks, and preformatted text. You focus on the meaning of your notes, and leave Agenda to handle the appearance. The resulting documents look fantastic, and can be converted to other formats like Markdown and HTML. NOTE-ALLY ORGANIZED Group your projects into categories to make them easier to find, and order the notes for each project however you choose. You can drag them around, apply dates, or use a mixed approach. You can also collapse notes to save space. TAKING IT TO TASK Do you sometimes find yourself using your task manager for more than it is intended? Agenda is a notes app that has excellent support for tasks. It supports different list styles, including checklists, and allows mixing tasks with more extensive notes. There is also direct integration with the Reminders app, so you can add reminders with a due date to any task. SHARE NOTES AND PROJECTS A notes app is not very useful if you can\\\'t share what you create. With Agenda, you can print and share notes, even whole projects, in standard formats like PDF, RTF and Markdown. You can also use the Agenda archive format to exchange exact duplicates of your notes with other Agenda users, including any attached files. MANY DEVICES, ONE AGENDA Nobody wants data silo-ed on one device, so Agenda has apps for Mac, iPad, and iPhone, and they sync up via your iCloud or Dropbox account. PURCHASING AGENDA Agenda is free, with no time limits. You can use it forever, at no cost. Agenda does offer extra premium features that require an In App Purchase. If you decide to purchase an upgrade, you permanently unlock all current features across all of your eligible devices. Even better, any features we add in the 12 months following your purchase are included, and permanently unlocked as well. All yours to keep.

    agenda.com - 2022-10-26 - 收藏
  • Any.do APP官网

    Any.do APP官网

    Any.do APP官网,应用描述: 超过2500万人依靠Any.do来组织他们的生活并完成更多工作。任何设备上都有“它必须有APP”(NYTimes,WSJ,USA Today和Lifehacker)。一体化待办事项列表,日历,计划程序和提醒应用程序。自由和简单。 排名第一和任务列表: SYNCS在您的移动设备,桌面设备,网络和平板电脑之间无缝访问。让您所有的待办事项列表,任务,提醒,日历和日程始终保持同步,这样您就永远不会忘记任何事情。 在预定时间内获取提醒,当您到达特定位置或设置定期提醒时,您永远不会错过任何事情。 与共享列表和分配的任务协同工作,与任何人协作并完成更多工作。 具有简单而强大功能的小工具可随时保持您的待办事项列表和日历活动。 简单而强大的日历展望: 轻松查看您的活动和待办事项列表和日,周和月的任务。 通过手机的日历,谷歌日历,脸书活动,展望日历或任何其他日历实时同步,让您不会忘记重要事件。 完成任务的一体化应用程序: 为了轻松创建提醒,我们添加了语音输入,这样您就可以说出自己的想法,我们会将其添加到您的待办事项列表中。为了更好的任务管理流程,我们添加了日历集成,以使您的议程始终保持最新。为了提高您的工作效率,我们为定期提醒,位置提醒,子任务,备注和文件附件添加了跨平台支持。为了使您的待办事项列表始终保持最新,我们添加了一个独一无二的每日计划程序。 要做清单,日历和提醒简单: Any.do旨在让您轻松掌控自己的待办事项和日历,无需麻烦。由于直观拖放任务,滑动以标记待办事项完成,并摇动您的设备以从待办事项列表中删除已完成 - 您可以保持自己的组织并享受它的每一分钟。 强大的任务列表管理: 通过转发do@any.do直接从您的电子邮件收件箱添加待办事项列表项。将计算机,Dropbox或Google云端硬盘中的文件附加到您的任务中。打印,导出和分享您的杂货和日常差事列表。 生命组织者和日常计划者: Any.do是一个待办事项列表,一个日历,一个收件箱,一个记事本,一个清单,一个任务列表,一个发布其便签或粘滞便笺的板,一个项目管理工具,一个提醒应用程序,一个每日计划员,一个家庭组织者,总而言之,您将获得最简单,最实用的生产力工具。最重要的是 - 它是免费的基本使用! 分享列表和分配任务: 规划和组织项目从未如此简单。现在,您可以在家庭成员之间共享列表,相互分配任务,聊天等等。 Any.do将帮助您和周围的人保持同步并获得提醒,以便您可以专注于真正重要的事情,因为您知道自己有一个富有成效的日子,您可以从您的待办事项列表中完成许多任务。 杂货清单和购物清单: Any.do任务列表也非常适合在杂货店购物。在你的待办事项列表上就是一个方便的购物清单选项,你可以与他人分享。忘了购买便利贴?想要提醒吗?只需在Any.do上创建一个列表,与您所爱的人分享,并看到他们实时添加他们的购物项目。 在确认购买时,将通过iTunes帐户向自动续订订阅付款。 除非在当前期间结束前至少24小时关闭自动续订,否则您的帐户将在当前期间结束前24小时内收取续订费用。 我们将根据您选择的订阅计划收取您的帐户费用: 5.99美元 - 月度计划。 26.99美元 - 6个月的计划。 35.99美元 - 12个月计划。

    www.any.do - 2022-10-26 - 收藏
  • 收哪儿APP官网


    收哪儿APP官网,应用描述: 主要功能包括: 1. “网购式”浏览家中物品,以及个性化的筛选和搜索查找。 3. 空间/家具透视查看,可在空间或家具下看到存放的所有物品。 3. 物品位置提示,单件物品一键定位其家中位置,帮你快速找到。 4. 共享功能,可与家人共同编辑物品及空间位置。 5. 物品添加简便,网购商品可一步导入,图书可扫码添加。 6. 所有数据云端同步,不必担心数据丢失和更换手机。

    www.shouner.com - 2022-10-26 - 收藏